
The half day taster workshops link back to the Essential Elements of a positive workplace. The taster is designed to give people a few techniques they could adopt, either in their leadership, their team or in the culture of the organisation.


You might be thinking that your organisation has lots of strong points, but there are a few things that you now want to build into your company’s culture. It might be that you're actually quite good at problem solving, but that your organisation’s people aren't showing a lot of gratitude to each other.

What problem does it solve?


How does it work?

These Half Day Taster Workshops can focus in on showing gratitude, motivation, talking productively or being solution focused. They will provide you and your organisation with the skills you need to make and maintain a positive change.


My Half Day Taster Workshops would enable you to have a taste of different things and think about either implementing or focusing new ideas.

How does it help?

Want a taste of the power of positivity?
Let's talk about how I can help in just half a day...